Current Events: What to know about the Presidential Election and COVID 19

Who would have thought I would be starting a current events post about a pandemic and a presidential election at the same time during medical school interview season? As they say, “unprecedented times”, which is all the more reason you should be paying attention and staying up to date on how these events will potentially affect your future as a physician.

I sincerely hope everyone is staying safe and sane and has found ways to cope with our new normal. As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday medical school application seasons start to overlap. Some of you are waiting for or prepping for interviews and some of you are starting to think about your upcoming application cycle for summer 2021. Whichever category you fall in you should start to familiarize yourself with current events that affect healthcare and physician practice. Part of preparing to become a doctor is starting to think like a medical student or doctor.

1) ELECTION 2020: Let’s start with the election. Although, as I write this we are on Day 4 of the election without a declared president there is still plenty to be familiar with. One of the best things you can do is learn a little something about how the healthcare system works and what is being proposed by either candidate to "fix" or change our healthcare system. This is an article breaking down what the current issues are and either candidate's plan in a simple, understandable format after the most recent presidential debate. Too much? Just want to get a basic education in what is happening with healthcare administration and some history - read one of these (contain affiliate links):

The Social Transformation of American Medicine is a great overview, An American Sickness does include history but also addresses current events, and The Price We Pay is primarily focused on thinking about a “fix” for today’s issues.

Another great way to stay current on events in medicine from the practicing physician perspective is to sign up for the KevinMD blog. This is a blog where you can hear physician voices reflect on current events. Part of thinking about becoming a physician is a sense of belonging in that community. These blogs might help you understand some of the views within the physician community.

2) COVID 19: No matter who your voted for in this current election you should make note of the unprecedented event of the NEJM publishing an op-ed on how they think the administration has responded to the current pandemic. There are multiple places to track the virus by I lean towards the New York Times data since they show rate of positive cases and COVID Act Now since I like their visuals. Another great way to stay current is to subscribe to their email updates.

Speaking of understanding the community you want to joint - want an idea of how the COVID 19 pandemic has affected medical students? Check out this survey done by Medscape. This annual survey of current medical students looks at various aspects of their experience including licensing exams, financial concerns, and burnout, among others.

With the COVID 19 pandemic hitting its highest numbers yet it is unlikely in person shadowing will become readily available anytime soon. Consider looking into e-shadowing opportunities. Keep in mind - these ARE NOT a replacement for real clinical experience and may not be worth listing on your application, but they are another way to get a sense of belonging in a physician community and understand the lifestyle and practice of certain specialities. This blog reviews some of the free options available for virtual shadowing right now.


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